Global Mission

Making committed followers of Jesus, who change communities and nations for Him

Global Mission is one of the ways we seek to fulfil the vision of Trinity Cheltenham, both at home and abroad. We do this primarily through long term partnerships and short term mission trips in developing nations, as well as supporting and praying for our mission partners.

If you would like to be on a team going overseas on one of our mission trips, please get in touch with Jeremy here.

What is Global Mission?

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Our Mission Partners


We have a long friendship and partnership with the diocese of Kericho, Kenya, and Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit - Archbishop of Kenya.   

This partnership means that we've had the opportunity to bless and be blessed by short term trips to Kenya and longer term collaboration with our friends in Kericho. 

The Trinity-Kericho partnership has led to opportunities to tackle challenges with real, sustainable solutions - through child sponsorship, leadership training for local pastors and leaders, expansion of medical training, building work for medical, administrative and conference facilities, provision of IT infrastructure, assistance in schools, encouraging of local churches and helping business development projects.

Total population: 1.5 million

Key challenges: Disease, especially HIV/AIDS & malaria; severe water shortage; unemployment; low literacy; poor roads; recent political unrest.

The church in the Kericho Diocese: Around 100 small rural congregations, 13 pastors,  Bishop Ernest. Formerly it was led by Bishop Jackson Ole Sapit - who has since become the Archbishop of Kenya.

Matt and Abi Fitzsimons - Mozambique

Matt and Abi live in the central province of Mozambique where they lead a Christian technical vocational school for young adults. The aim of the school is to train and equip students in practical and employable skills in a learning environment rooted in the love and truth of Jesus. Abi is also involved in work at a sister charity in the same neighbourhood which has two education centres where Abi trains and equips staff members to implement a reading and maths program to primary-aged children in order to help them at school. They have a baby girl, Emily, who loves watching the African trees and listening to the hornbills. 

Liz - French Speaking Africa

Liz works with Wycliffe Bible Translators. As the name suggests, the ministry is about translating the Bible into the languages that people speak and use in their daily lives, so that they can really know and understand the Scriptures and through them encounter Jesus and the abundant life that he offers. She is working remotely from the UK, (whilst supporting her elderly mother in Surrey.) In the coming year she will continue to manage a large team that provides services and training to support Bible translation and literacy projects across 12 countries in West and Central Africa. That means lots of online meetings with partner organisations and colleagues, and occasional trips overseas.

Liz and Roshan - Sri Lanka

The nation of Sri Lanka has experienced many challenges in the last year in finances, government, health... We have seen the power of praise and prayer andnd the power of the gospel, even when all other hope and stability is lost. The situation could have got much worse, but it has not. 

We continue to pray and praise, to work towards national church unity, to give the gospel, help the poor, build the church, create a place of safety and hope, train young people and live lives by faith and not by sensory perception.

Kevin Elliott - Mission Macedonia

Mission Macedonia works with church partners in North Macedonia to share Jesus and help the poorest right across the country. Enlivened and focussed by our weekly prayer meetings MM gets right in the mix, resourcing church practically by supporting outreach, discipleship, youth and children’s work, and growing a worship movement. We hold the national Easter conference New Hope, and take out mission trips. We show God’s love wherever we go and take time to pray for the sick seeing many miracles, and lives changed.  We enable major projects too, with our latest being to build a church which can be used as a community hall, kindergarten, and medical advice centre for a Roma village in one of the most deprived areas imaginable in Europe. Sound exciting? It is! Would you like to be involved, then talk to Kev Elliott in church or email us on

Simon & Lizzie - Burundi

Simon Guillebaud has been a mission partner of HT for 20 years now. He is the Founder of Great Lakes Outreach which ‘identifies, empowers and equips the best local leaders of passion, integrity, gifting and vision for the transformation of the nation of Burundi bottom up and top down’. GLO works with a few dozen organisations across education, orphanages, street children, evangelism, theological training, agriculture, microfinance, sports ministry, campus outreach, Bible-reading notes, family and couples counselling, business start-ups, the list goes on. After 2 decades living there, he is now based in Bath with Lizzie and their three children (Zac, Grace and Josiah, 15, 13, 11 respectively). He goes out three times a year and preaches and networks extensively. He does a weekly vlog called Choose Life and also has a podcast called ‘Inspired’.

Thomas - India

Thomas and Jessy continue to plant and grow churches, in a country where witnessing for Jesus can be both difficult and dangerous. Through prayer, and obediently following God they have seen many becoming Christians.  

In North India, where being a Christian can be extremely challenging, there are 48 families worshipping in the church and the cell groups in the surrounding villages 

There are churches and cell groups in both the Punjab and Haryana which continue to grow.

Mumbai now has seven fully fledged churches with around 500 people attending.

Please pray for the continuing safety of Thomas and Jessy and all Christians in India.

Thomas has an exciting and compelling autobiography, which can be freely downloaded, Website:

Katia - Brazil

Here in the south of Brazil people are very receptive to the Gospel. There is a real hunger to understand the Word of God in a more profound way and what this means in terms of living out a Christian faith and call to mission.

I form part of a team who leads Vineyard Florida and collectively we work to help people to connect with Jesus and develop a genuine relationship with Him. I also form part of the mission team at Vineyard Floripa and together we are focussed on bringing the light of the Gospel to the margins of society, helping people in challenging contexts such as prisons and in the favelas to find hope in Jesus.

Get in touch

Want to get hold of us or to find out more? Drop us a message!

Jeremy Wall
Global Mission